

Tom Brughmans profile picture

Tom Brughmans, Aarhus University - Social Resilience Lab

Archaeologist specialized in the economy of the Roman Empire and empirically reconstructed past social networks, all using network science methods.

Albert Diaz Guilera profile picture,

Albert Diaz Guilera, Universitat de Barcelona - Institute of Complex Systems

Network scientist looking for unsuspected links in many different disciplines.

Marten During profile picture

Marten Düring, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary & Digital History

Contemporary historian working on the intersection between historical thinking and computational methods.

Martin Grandjean profile picture

Martin Grandjean, Université de Lausanne

Contemporary historian exploring the networks of large international archives.

Sergi Lozano profile picture

Sergi Lozano, Universitat de Barcelona - Institute of Complex Systems

Complexity scientist interested in past socio-economic phenomena.

Matteo Mazzamurro profile picture

Matteo Mazzamurro, Aarhus University - Social Resilience Lab

Urban networks scientist interested in the evolution of social and transport connectivity.

Cindarella Petz profile picture

Cindarella Petz, Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG)

Specialised in computational approaches for historical research.

Luce Prignano profile picture

Luce Prignano, Universitat de Barcelona

Physicist working on and through social complexity.

Made possible thanks to

Past Social Networks Project logo

The Past Social Networks Project

Carlsberg logo

The Carlsberg Foundation’s Young Researcher Fellowship (CF21-0382)

Connected Past logo

The Connected Past

Historical Network Research logo

The Historical Network Research Community

Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C^2^DH) logo

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH)

Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS) logo

Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems (UBICS)

Université de Lausanne logo

Université de Lausanne

Aarhus University logo

Aarhus University

IEG logo

Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG)

Heuristica logo
